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Pro tips

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Getting Started

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How to show your quiz

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Email capture

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Pro tips

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Data and analytics

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Customer Engagement

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Klaviyo Customizations

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How to Send Lantern Quiz Data to Omnisend Using Zapier

Sending Lantern quiz data to Omnisend using Zapier is a seamless way to automate customer data collection. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to set up this integration, ensuring that your quiz results are automatically transferred to Omnisend and your subscriber information is captured accurately.

Step 1: Create a New Zap

Start by creating a new Zap in your Zapier account. Name your Zap something recognizable, such as “Omnisend Integration Test”, to keep it organized.

Step 2: Set the Trigger to Lantern Quiz Completion

Next, search for the Lantern Quiz App as your trigger app. For the trigger event, choose Quiz Completion. You’ll be prompted to connect your Lantern account by entering your Shopify store URL and API key.

To retrieve your API key, head to Lantern, go to Integrations, and click Reveal to copy the API key.

Once your Lantern account is connected, select the quiz you want to use. Make sure to set it so the trigger activates only when an email address has been captured during the quiz.

Step 3: Test the Lantern Trigger

Once you've set up the quiz trigger, run a quick test to ensure that everything is connected properly. If the test is successful, you're ready to move to the next step.

Step 4: Set the Action to Omnisend

Now, it’s time to send your user data to Omnisend. Search for Omnisend and select it as the action app. For the action event, select Create Subscriber, which will allow you to collect customer information like email addresses.

Step 5: Connect Your Omnisend Account

To connect your Omnisend account, you’ll first need to generate an API key. Log in to your Omnisend account, navigate to Store Settings, and then go to API Keys. Click Create New API Key to generate one.

Once you have the API key, copy it. Then, in Zapier, log in to your Omnisend account and paste the API key to establish the connection between Omnisend and your Zap.

Step 6: Map the Data Fields

With both accounts connected, you’ll need to map the data fields from Lantern to Omnisend. These fields typically include:

  • Email (from the Lantern quiz event)
  • Phone Number (if captured)
  • First Name and Last Name (if captured)

Ensure all relevant fields are mapped correctly to ensure accurate data collection.

Step 7: Test the Omnisend Action

After mapping the data, click Continue and run a final test to make sure the data is being transferred successfully. Once the test passes, you're almost done.

Step 8: Publish Your Zap

Once you’ve successfully tested the setup, go ahead and publish your Zap to activate the automation. From now on, every time a user completes a quiz in Lantern, their information will be automatically sent to Omnisend.

And that’s how you can seamlessly integrate Omnisend with Lantern using Zapier. By following these steps, you'll be able to automate the process of sending quiz data directly to Omnisend, streamlining your email marketing efforts.

For any help or questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.


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